
- Minimal price per page: $30
- Deadline: 12 hours
- Discount: N\A
- Refund policy: Yes
Our Top Rated Essay Services
Company Overview
The biggest mystery of my review is who hated me so much to point me towards this crappy service. I’m not a vindictive person, but I’d love for them to get all their assignments from this company. I bet that would lead to a scandal or two before suspension and expulsion. Think I’m exaggerating and being too dramatic? By the end of this post, you’ll understand that I’m underplaying just how horrible of an experience it’s been.
The writing is barely passable for middle school, and the service is slow to the point of being non-responsive, and at times it feels like the website has been abandoned. I wish it had been.
Prices and Discounts
The sheer lack of transparency was a major red flag for me. The company shares nothing about its location or history, and even the prices are a big secret. I have no idea how the total is calculated, though I guess it has something to do with the academic level and service type. I had to wait a full day to get a quote. After some renegotiation, they charged me over $100 for a tiny 3-page-long college essay. Considering the time I wasted on the order process, it felt like a huge waste.
And don’t go looking for an promo code. There isn’t one. At best, they will offer you to join a referral program, but I won’t be sharing any codes because I don’t want to be responsible for your suffering if you use it.
Services Quality
I wasn’t sure I could finish this OnlineClassHelp review because they took so long to respond to my quote request. I wanted someone to write a 3-page essay titled “Is leadership an innate or acquired personality trait?” within a week and expected to pay around $50 or $60. Instead, I got a quote for over $100 after an interminable delay. By that time, I was pretty sure my paper would end up a disaster, but I wanted to see it unfold, so I went through with the payment.
After skimming the trainwreck of an essay, I’m surprised there isn’t a host of horrible OnlineClassHelp Reddit reviews. The argumentative essay was nothing but a summary of a Wikipedia article on leadership, poorly formatted and using questionable and outdated sources as evidence. Considering my revision requests were ignored, I wasn’t willing to submit this disaster for grading and rewrote the whole thing from scratch.
Customer Support
I’m not entirely sure the elusive support is real. It felt like I was talking to digital ghosts at times. All I could do was request a quote and patiently wait for the support team to get back to me at their leisure. It took them over 24 hours to reply with a quote to a 6-word request I sent in before writing this OnlineClassHelp review. The phone lines were also supposedly active, though they operated between 9 AM and 9 PM EST, and I could never get ahold of anyone on the other end of the line. The chatbot was also mostly useless, as it fed me platitudes without giving away any useful information.
The homepage guarantees you an A or B grade if you use the online class-taking service, but it’s a bold-faced lie. Sure, I’ve found some OnlineClassHelp reviews claiming high grades, but they came on the heels of a slew of negative posts the company called fake without any proof.
The most disturbing thing about this service is the lack of any binding legal promises. The Terms of Use are barely three paragraphs long and hold no promises of revisions or refunds. Considering the lack of effective real-time communication channels with the company, their guarantees seem like a marketing schtick rather than a genuine promise they intend to keep.
I realize this review is not objective by far. I spent a few days trying to find redeeming qualities, but I believe this service doesn’t have any. They ignored me, wasted my money, and delivered a paper I’d be ashamed to post online under my name. Hopefully, my experience will help you avoid the mistake of trusting a company that can’t be bothered to take your calls or follow your instructions. Steer clear!
Our Top Rated Essay Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Is legit? | Not really. Their terms of use are three paragraphs long, and there’s no evidence of the real company behind the website. |
Is OnlineClassHelp reliable? | No. The service can deliver results on time, but the writing quality does not match the guarantees of an A or B grade. Do not trust this company with any critical assignments. Better yet, stay away. |
Is a scam? | I can’t prove they steal money, but they certainly fail to fulfill their promises and hide behind online anonymity to escape questions and responsibility. |
Is cheating? | You will feel cheated after overpaying for their services and receiving crappy results. With no way to get in touch with the company, it feels like a front more than a genuine service. |
The quality of work was awful and I regret using this service.
I was promised assistance but received no support whatsoever. Very disappointing experience.
Not bad
The writing service provided by Onlineclasshelp was efficient and met my expectations. But delivery time was longer then expected. provided a satisfactory experience when I used their writing service. They were timely in their response and their customer service staff were professional.
Despite the fact of quality work of experts, their customer service is very poor. They should improve their service and make it more reliable.
This company offers a service that is very hard to find, so I think students can give them a chance
All the bad reviews here are true. They failed a test and completely disppeared when it was time to take my final.